Donate To LEAF

LEAF is a 501(c)(3) education nonprofit bridging the leadership, education, and resource gap for college students from underserved communities

Your donations allows us to support our undergraduate students' imitative. Donations are tax-deductible. For questions, please email


We have been blessed to be able to continue to fundraise for an organization that has directly impacted underserved youth over the past few years, especially during the pandemic.

With the new school year currently in progress, we want to fundraise for 2023-2024 school year’s resources that will aid towards the success of our students and community.

Why I should Donate?

Now more than ever, youth transitioning from high school to higher education face more obstacles. There is an increasing competition to get into higher education with a higher cost of education and debt, increased class sizes, and last but not least, increase in mental health problems. The pressure is on for youth as they attempt to navigate in a stressful environment.

LEAF looks to solve that issue and focuses on providing service to the most impacted group at higher education institutions, generally students from underserved communities. Over the past few years, LEAF has served 88 total students at UCLA to help bridge the education and resource gap between the underserved community and the average freshman.

LEAF provides academic & professional mentorship, an academic resource platform, a professional network, and recently a P2P writing support service. We believe that our service helps underserved students transition well into UCLA and ultimately set them up for success in their later years.

Where do the funds go?

Because we have had a significant amount of success and have built a strong foundation at UCLA, we are looking to expand into other universities such as USC or Duke.

In addition, we are looking to increase our number of offerings to our platform such as expanding our professional network, creating more interactive developmental workshops, and covering partial costs related to academic and professional development, which will continue to create memorable and impactful experiences.

With your donation, you can help accelerate the future of LEAF and help LEAF expand nationally in the future. 100% of donation funds have all gone to our students and we promise to uphold that promise and transparency.

Historically, our funds have gone to certain events and opportunities for our students, such as the following:
- Professional Workshops (i.g. career advancement workshops, resume workshops)
- Laker Games in collaboration with the Lakers team
Our partners